Tag1 Consulting: Getting to Know Your Migration

2 weeks 6 days ago

Series Overview & ToC | Next Article (coming Apr 24th) ### SERIES INTRODUCTION Today, we are excited to launch a detailed blog series that serves as an in-depth guide on utilizing the Drupal 10 Migrate API. This series is designed to equip you with thorough explanations and step-by-step guidance for migrating all your data from a Drupal 7 site to Drupal 10, facilitating a smooth upgrade to the most current version of the platform. As we progress, we will introduce a DDEV-based development environment, complete with instructions to set it up. This environment is prepared with a Drupal 7 site already installed and a Drupal 10 site set as the migration target. Through the course of this series, we will walk you through the entire data migration process, covering a wide range of topics along the way, empowering you to migrate your own sites confidently. Contact Our Solutions Experts Helping you navigate the next steps on your Drupal Migration Journey Want to learn more? The Migrate API, created and co-maintained by Tag1 team members, is a flexible and powerful system that can be used to collect data from multiple sources and import it into Drupal. While migrating...

Read more mauricio Thu, 04/18/2024 - 13:23

Nonprofit Drupal posts: April Drupal for Nonprofits Chat: Getting Ready for DrupalCon

3 weeks ago

Join us THURSDAY, April 18 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, for our regularly scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits. (Convert to your local time zone.)

This month we'll be preparing for DrupalCon Portland, which features the return of the Nonprofit Summit!

And we'll of course also have time to discuss anything else that's on our minds at the intersection of Drupal and nonprofits.  Got something specific you want to talk about? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc: https://nten.org/drupal/notes!

All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.

This free call is sponsored by NTEN.org and open to everyone. 

  • Join the call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81817469653

    • Meeting ID: 818 1746 9653
      Passcode: 551681

    • One tap mobile:
      +16699006833,,81817469653# US (San Jose)
      +13462487799,,81817469653# US (Houston)

    • Dial by your location:
      +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
      +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
      +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
      +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
      +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
      +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    • Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kpV1o65N

  • Follow along on Google Docs: https://nten.org/drupal/notes

View notes of previous months' calls.

Talking Drupal: Skills Upgrade #7

3 weeks ago

Welcome back to “Skills Upgrade” a Talking Drupal mini-series following the journey of a D7 developer learning D10. This is episode 7.

  • Review Chad's goals for the previous week

    • Test Example
    • Set up phpunit.xml
    • Start with FrontPageLinkTest.php
  • Review Chad's questions

    • In the testing_example module, the file "src/Controller/TestingExampleController.php" has a function for simpletestDescription(). Is this an outdated artifact that should have been removed at some point? The module itself doesn't appear to use Simpletest elsewhere and appears to only rely on PHPUnit.
    • What do you recommend for the minimal code structure to include for any given test type? Is the Testing Example module an ideal model or are there other resources I should review? The testing reference from Selwyn was helpful.
    • In the "FrontPageLinkDependenciesTest.php" setUp() function, the createContentType() function is called without specifying the type. Is that set somewhere else? I may have overlooked it. Nevermind—it's set using randomMachineName() in the createContentType() function. Is there anything extra or standard to write in tests for drupal.org?
  • Tasks for the upcoming week

    • Smart Date - Martin (maintainer) to review promptly, I've already chatted with him about it. Create a new functional test: "submit a range with an end time before the start and validate that an error is returned"
      • Create an issue in the Smart Date queue and assign to yourself.
      • Create an issue fork.
      • Check out the issue fork locally.
      • Write (and test) the test locally.
      • Commit and push to the issue fork.
      • Mark issue as "Needs review".
      • Ask someone to review - if all looks good, the reviewer will mark as RBTC.

Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Curriclum & Journal Chad's Drupal 10 Learning Notes

The Linux Foundation is offering a discount of 30% off e-learning courses, certifications and bundles with the code, all uppercase DRUPAL24 and that is good until June 5th https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification-catalog/


AmyJune Hineline - @volkswagenchick


Chad Hester - chadkhester.com @chadkhest Mike Anello - DrupalEasy.com @ultimike

The Drop Times: Mounting /Himalayas to /Enterprise Web: Gai Technologies' Ascetic Route

3 weeks ago
Gai Technologies Pvt Ltd has carved a niche in the Drupal community by focusing exclusively on this versatile platform since 2011. Founded with the mission to cultivate high-caliber software teams in lesser-known regions, Gai has demonstrated remarkable growth and proficiency in delivering sophisticated Drupal solutions. Read the full article for an in-depth look at how Gai Technologies leverages its expertise to foster growth and innovation in the open-source landscape.

Chapter Three: National Nurses United: Supporting a Large Website

3 weeks 1 day ago
At Chapter Three we do more than build websites from the ground up. We also support existing websites that require new or additional resources. The type of work we do is flexible and depends on the client’s needs. It ranges from basic maintenance and security updates to more substantial overhauls, cleanup, and feature enhancements.  One major website we support is National Nurses United (NNU). With nearly 225,000 members, NNU is the largest union and professional association for registered nurses in the United States. It is the country’s leading advocate for collective bargaining for RNs, regulatory protections for patients and nurses, and for guaranteed health care and expanded medicare.

Drupal Association blog: 5 Reasons to Join Us at DrupalCon Portland 2024

3 weeks 1 day ago

Discover Why DrupalCon Portland 2024 Is the Must-Attend Event of the Year

If you're part of the Drupal community or interested in Drupal, you won't want to miss DrupalCon Portland 2024! The conference is set to be the most exciting and informative event of the year, catering to developers, marketers, content editors, content publishers, and anyone else who interacts with their website. In this blog post, I'll outline the top five reasons why attending DrupalCon Portland in 2024 is a must.

Immerse Yourself in the Ultimate Drupal Experience

DrupalCon Portland 2024 promises an entire week dedicated to Drupal and the vibrant Drupal Community. It's your chance to connect with some of the most brilliant minds in the industry, engage in discussions, build lasting friendships, and simply have a fantastic time. Key highlights of the event include:

  1. Foster Community Through In-Person Connections: Experience the warmth and synergy of the Drupal community by connecting face-to-face with fellow Drupal enthusiasts. This is a unique chance to share your passion for Drupal with like-minded individuals in a vibrant, engaging setting.

  2. Driesnote & Eminent Speakers: Gain insights from the Drupal founder during the much-anticipated Driesnote and learn from a lineup of distinguished speakers. These sessions promise to be thought-provoking, offering deep dives into various aspects of Drupal, its ecosystem, and future directions.

  3. Contribution Opportunities: Participate in contribution sprints where you can tackle real-world problems, contribute to the project, and interact with key project contributors and maintainers. This is your chance to make a tangible impact and glean insights from the guardians of the Drupal codebase.

  4. Social Gatherings and Welcome Party: DrupalCon isn't just about learning; it's also about having a great time. The Welcome Party and other social events provide perfect settings to unwind, celebrate, and build friendships in a more relaxed atmosphere. View the social events or submit yours now.

  5. Birds of a Feather Sessions: Engage in "Birds of a Feather" (BoF) sessions, where small groups gather to discuss hot topics and share knowledge on specific areas of interest within Drupal and technology. These small gatherings encourage open dialogue and are a great way to dive deep into subjects you care about with peers.

Rediscover the Thriving Drupal Community

After years of remote work and lockdowns, DrupalCon Portland 2024 provides a refreshing opportunity to step out of your home office and connect with passionate Drupal enthusiasts. Meet the faces behind your favorite modules and engage with like-minded individuals who share your love for Drupal.

Unparalleled Learning Opportunities

DrupalCon offers unparalleled opportunities for learning and growth. From inspiring keynotes and informative sessions to hands-on training and contribution sprints, this event is the ultimate platform to expand your knowledge and expertise. Break out of your routine and explore the full potential of Drupal.

This year will be filled with broader topics to help you drive your digital experiences forward. Some of the new highlights this year include:

  1. A new marketing track dedicated to driving your business goals forward.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Learning how AI is being incorporated into Drupal and how it can help you improve your day to day and achieve your goals.
  3. Birds of a Feather - More structure and planning going into our BOF sessions to drive higher levels of engagement and inform stronger conversations.
Be Inspired by Innovations

Witness the transformative power of Drupal and be inspired by the innovative and talented Drupal community. Attendees at DrupalCon Portland are focused on:

  1. Crafting cutting-edge content management systems.
  2. Delivering groundbreaking customer experiences.
  3. Mastering their craft and pushing boundaries.
Forge Valuable Connections

DrupalCon Portland is the perfect environment to connect with individuals who share your passion for Drupal, open-source technology, and delivering top-notch digital experiences. Building relationships here can significantly impact your career, opening doors to exciting opportunities.

There are countless reasons to join us at DrupalCon Portland 2024, and we can't wait to welcome you! It's a unique opportunity to connect with the Drupal community, discover the incredible work happening within Drupal, and spend quality time with friends and colleagues from around the world who share your common passion. We look forward to seeing you there!

Register now for DrupalCon Portland 2024.

Balint Pekker: Enhancing Drupal with GitHub Actions

3 weeks 1 day ago
When it comes to Drupal development, GitHub Actions offers invaluable assistance in automating repetitive tasks, standardizing your processes, and enhancing code quality. By defining workflows as code in YAML files that can react to various events, it provides flexible customization and scalability. Pre-built actions can handle common tasks like building and testing code, while custom actions can be tailored to project-specific requirements. Let's explore some of the best practices along with examples of actions you could use in your next Drupal project.

Specbee: How to integrate Auth0 Single Sign-On (SSO) in Drupal

3 weeks 1 day ago
If you want to offer your users a hassle-free login experience, convenience and security, Single Sign-On (SSO) is the way to go. SSO is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications or services with a single set of login credentials. Auth0 is an identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) platform that provides authentication and authorization services for applications and APIs. It offers a comprehensive set of features for implementing secure and customizable authentication solutions, including support for various authentication methods such as username/password, social logins, and multi-factor authentication (MFA). In this article, you will learn more about SSO and Auth0 and how you can integrate it with your Drupal website. Benefits of SSO Integration in Drupal Seamless User Experience: Integrating SSO into Drupal enables users to log in once and access all connected applications seamlessly, eliminating the need for multiple logins and enhancing user convenience. Centralized User Management: SSO centralizes user authentication and authorization, making it easier for administrators to manage user accounts, permissions, and access control policies across multiple Drupal sites or integrated applications. Enhanced Security: SSO enhances security by enforcing consistent authentication policies and enabling centralized management of user access, reducing the risk of security breaches due to weak passwords or unauthorized access. Reduced Development Efforts: By leveraging Auth0's SSO capabilities, developers can significantly reduce the time and effort required to implement authentication and authorization features in Drupal applications, accelerating the development process and time-to-market for new features and functionalities. Take a look at this article where we discussed integration of SSO with Drupal using SAML Steps to Integrate Auth0 SSO in Drupal Prerequisites Auth0 account SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider  Auth0 configuration Register to Auth0. Go to https://manage.auth0.com/ and log in. Create the tenant. To create a tenant, click on the drop-down near the logo in the top left corner. You will see a pop-up fill the required information in that pop-up like tenant name, region, and environment. Click on the Create button. Next, click on the "Applications" option in the left menu. A list will open. Then click on “Applications” on that list and you will see an application page. Click on the “Create Application” button. You will see a pop-up, enter the application name in that pop-up and select “Regular Web Application” then click on Create. Next, click on that application and go to the settings tab. In the Settings tab, you can update the application logo if you want.  In the Settings tab, add the callback URL "[Domain]/samlassertion" to the "Allowed Callback URLs" field and then click Save. Then go to the “Addons Tab”. In the Addons tab, click on the "SAML2 Web App" option. You will see a pop-up with two (Settings and Usage) tabs. In the Settings tab, add the callback URL "[Domain]/samlassertion" and click the Enable button. After this go to the Usage tab. In the Usage tab, click on the "Download" button of "Identity Provider Metadata". Drupal application configuration Install the "SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider" contrib module “https://www.drupal.org/project/miniorange_saml” in your Drupal application using composer.composer require 'drupal/miniorange_saml:^3.0' Go to the Drupal website and log in as administrator. Go to "Configuration" and then click on "MiniOrange SAML Login Configuration". Go to the “Service Provider Setup” tab Click "Add New IDP". Upload the metadata file that we downloaded from Auth0. Click on the save button. Steps to add role mapping Go to “Configuration” then click on "miniOrange SAML Login Configuration". Go to the “MAPPING” tab Click on the “Enable Role Mapping” option (If not enabled already). Select the “Library” role from the dropdown. Click on the “Save Configuration”. Then clear the cache and visit the login page.You will see an SSO login link above the submit button. Click on that link. You will be redirected to the auth0 login page If you have an Auth0 account then enter the username and password otherwise you can create an account using the signup link. After login you will be redirected to your Drupal application and your account will be logged in. Final thoughts The demand for seamless user experiences and robust security measures continues to escalate by the day. By integrating Auth0's Single Sign-On solution with your Drupal site, you're not just staying ahead of the curve — you're shaping the future of online interaction. But the journey doesn't end with integration. The next step is optimization. Continuously refine your authentication workflows, leverage Auth0's advanced features to customize user experiences, and stay vigilant against emerging threats. Reach out to our Drupal development team to enhance your user experience with features like these.

The Drop Times: A Detailed Review of Droopler 4 with Grzegorz Bartman of Droptica

3 weeks 1 day ago
Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Droopler 4 as Grzegorz Bartman, the co-CEO of Droptica, unveils the evolutionary strides of this cutting-edge Drupal distribution in an interview with Alka Elizabeth from The DropTimes. Delve into the seamless integration of single directory components, Bootstrap 5, and the Radix theme, tailored to meet the needs of developers. Discover the user-centric design featuring 15 pre-configured components through Drupal paragraphs, responsive web elements, and robust SEO modules catering to marketing and SEO experts. Gain insights into the strategic choices driving the adoption of Drupal Paragraphs over the Layout Builder and the collaborative ethos propelling Droopler's advancement. Stay tuned to the promising future of Droopler, characterized by a steadfast commitment to SEO optimization and enhanced editor experiences.

The Drop Times: Embracing Technology with Drupal

3 weeks 2 days ago

In 2024, technology has reached new heights, impacting our lives like never before. With AI becoming more common and exciting updates on the horizon, technology is shaping our world significantly.

Technology continues to redefine the way we live, work, and connect. New features, updates, and innovations emerge daily, shaping our world remarkably. At the heart of this transformation lies Drupal, the dynamic content management system that empowers individuals and businesses to navigate the digital realm easily and confidently. Drupal opens limitless possibilities in website development, offering a platform where creativity knows no bounds.

Drupal streamlines the process of creating and managing websites, putting the power of customization and control at our fingertips. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Drupal allows users to craft online experiences that are not just functional but truly exceptional.

Technology is advancing rapidly, and Drupal is here to make it accessible and beneficial for everyone. With its user-friendly features and adaptability, Drupal simplifies website creation and opens doors to endless possibilities.

Let's review the latest news covered by The Drop Times (TDT) last week.

In an Interview with Alka Elizabeth, sub-editor, TDT, Irina Zaks, Co-Founder and CTO at Fibonacci Web Studio, discusses her transition from a background in physics to web development, emphasizing the importance of clear, simple solutions in complex projects. She highlights the Fibonacci sequence's role in her design philosophy, advocating for harmony and simplicity in web development. Zaks also reflects on the unique challenges of academic websites and her efforts to promote open-source software within academia, particularly through her work at the Stanford Open Source Lab. The interview is a precursor to Stanford Web Camp. 

Head to the concluding part of our series, "Drupal Page Builders—Part 4: Distributions," crafted by André Angelantoni, Senior Drupal Architect, HeroDevs. The article discusses the practicalities and considerations of using Drupal distributions for page building. It emphasizes that while distributions can simplify the setup process, especially for non-technical users, they often involve complex maintenance and may slow down upgrades due to dependency on the distribution maintainers. The piece advises conducting a proof-of-concept for the most complex page layouts to ensure the chosen solution can handle the requirements, highlighting that many teams opt for minimal module use to maintain flexibility and control.

Explore the articles curated by Kazima Abbas regarding the featured speakers who presented their sessions at EvolveDrupal Atlanta. The first part features Michael Herchel, Mary Blabaum, Allison Vorthmann, Andy Waldrop, and Jesse Dyck.  Topics range from an Inclusive Design Approach to Drupal 7's End of Life on website security and from leveraging Drupal for scalable software products to insights on migrating to Drupal 10. The second part shifts to topics including The Fourth Decade of Website Deployments, the Crossroads of Website Evolution, and the updates from WCAG 2.1 to 2.2. John Cloys, Penny Kronz, and Steve Persch are featured in this segment. 

The upcoming Drupal Developer Days in Burgas, Bulgaria, from June 26-28, 2024, at Burgas Free University, has announced Suzanne Dergacheva and Frederik W. as keynote speakers. DrupalCamp Iberia 2024 has officially announced its schedule for the upcoming gathering on May 10 and 11 at PACT in Évora, marking a significant event in the Drupal community's annual calendar. The Network of European Drupal Associations (NEDA) has scheduled a meeting on April 24, 2024, led by Esmeralda Tijhoff. This meeting aims to foster connections among Drupal Associations globally, sharing experiences and discussing support strategies.

DrupalCon Portland 2024 extends a special offer to students, recent graduates, and individuals with Drupal Training Certification obtained since 2022, providing an opportunity to purchase tickets for the event at a discounted rate of $50. The DropTimes has been announced as the official media partner for The LagoonCon Portland 2024. DrupalSouth has made their talks from DrupalSouth 2024 accessible online via their YouTube channel! Now, you can catch up on all the insightful discussions and presentations from the comfort of your home. A particularly engaging story narrated at the event is the talk by Dallas Ramsden, a story of human resilience. The Eclipse Foundation has initiated a collaborative effort to establish common cybersecurity standards in response to the upcoming European Union's Cyber Resilience Act. This initiative involves multiple open-source organizations and aims to harmonize secure software development practices across the industry, addressing both regulatory requirements and the broader challenge of securing open-source software. The Greek Drupal Community celebrated a resurgence with the Greece Spring Sprint 2024, where experienced developers across Athens, Thessaloniki, and Patras collaborated to address numerous issues. We have received pictures via Georgios Andreadis of the event, take a look here.

Jesus Manuel Olivas, Co-Founder and CEO at Octahedroid, announced the initial release of two significant Drupal modules—Visual Editor and Decoupled Preview Iframe. A recent update from Drupal.org saw Gábor Hojtsy outlining the forthcoming release plans for Drupal 11, noting significant dependency updates and two potential release windows later this year. Obviously, this has created discussions in the community. Paul Johnson, a long-time participant and photographer at Drupal events, has announced an initiative by the Promote Drupal team to create the first official Promote Drupal Image Library. The team calls for submissions from photographers within the Drupal community who are willing to contribute their work under a Creative Commons license. 

While there are undoubtedly more stories to share, our current constraints may necessitate a temporary pause in our coverage.

To get timely updates, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Also, join us on Drupal Slack at #thedroptimes.

Thank you,
Kazima Abbas
Sub-editor, The Drop Times

Talking Drupal: Talking Drupal #446 - Test Driven Development

3 weeks 2 days ago

Today we are talking about Test Driven Development, Why it’s important, and How it improves development with guest Alexey Korepov. We’ll also cover Test Helpers as our module of the week.

For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/446

  • What does the term Test Driven Development (TDD) mean
  • Does Drupal make use of TDD
  • What makes TDD different from other methods of Development
  • Do you have to change your way of thinking
  • What are some good resources to learn TDD
  • Do you have any pointers for teams looking to get started
  • Are certain kinds of projects better suited to TDD
  • How have dev teams adapted to TDD
  • Any advice on environment setup
  • Any special tools
Resources Guests

Alexey Korepov - korepov.pro Murz


Nic Laflin - nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu Matt Glaman - mglaman.dev mglaman

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz - mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted an API that could dramatically simplify the process of writing Drupal unit tests? There’s a module for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Sep 2022 by today’s guest, Alexey Korepov
    • Versions available: 1.3.0 compatible with versions of Drupal 9.4 or newer, right up to Drupal 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, latest release less than 3 months ago
    • Security coverage
    • Test coverage, would be ironic if it didn’t
    • API Documentation is available, linked from the project page
    • Number of open issues: 2 open issues, which are actually feature requests
  • Usage stats:
    • 5 sites officially, but modules or sites can leverage Test Helpers without enabling it, and this usage is recommended, so the number is actually higher
  • Module features and usage
    • Provides a new container that automated tests can leverage to perform common tasks with much less code.
    • For example, you can create a user or a node with a single line of code
    • You can also mock more complex operations like an entityQuery or loadMultiple call, again with a single line of code
    • Traditionally, writing unit tests is more complicated because by design they run without fully bootstrapping Drupal
    • That means that your test needs to mock functions or services in the code you’re testing which can result in units tests being much longer than the code they’re testing
    • Test Helpers also allows your tests to leverage existing mocks and stubs for popular services
    • The project page also links to the recording and slides for a talk Alexey gave about Test Helpers at DrupalCon Pittsburgh last year, if you want to do a deeper dive

The Drop Times: Customer Benefits from Pantheon—Lytics Partnership Explained

3 weeks 2 days ago
Pantheon and Lytics have teamed up to redefine the landscape of website personalization, introducing a solution announced at the Google Cloud Next ‘24 conference. This collaboration offers a transformative approach by leveraging generative AI to provide sophisticated personalization tools, which were previously complex and expensive but are now streamlined and accessible.

By integrating Lytics' Personalization Engine, companies can deploy tailored digital content strategies within 30 days—significantly faster than the traditional months-long process. This partnership simplifies the personalization process and emphasizes using first-party data, aligning with privacy standards, and moving away from reliance on third-party cookies. Embrace this new digital marketing era with Pantheon and Lytics, where advanced technology meets user-centric privacy.

#! code: Drupal 10: Adding Extra User Account Protection

3 weeks 3 days ago

One of Drupal's strengths is its ability to create communities of users who contribute towards the content of the site. Whether you have an open forum, where users can create their own accounts, or a closed magazine site with just a few editors, you need to take the security of your users seriously.

Out of the box, Drupal has a number of account protection features that assist in making sure that users are authenticated correctly.

For example, the user login page is protected by a brute force system and will lock accounts after a number of incorrect password attempts in a short amount of time.

There are a few other things you can do to protect your site users that can be applied to any Drupal site. In this article we'll look through a number of different modules and techniques you can use to protect the user accounts on your site. We'll look at some of the pros and cons of each approach.

Flood Control

Drupal's login forms have built in brute force projection that will block any user account that fails to enter the correct password more than 5 times per IP address within an hour. This prevents automated bots from just guessing the password of a user account thousands of times until it hits the right combination.

The Flood Control module allows these settings to be tweaked to make them more (or less) restrictive.

Read more

4 hours 52 minutes ago
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