Drupal StackExchange

Can Apache Solr Search allow a user to search 'within' current results?

1 month 3 weeks ago

I'm looking for a way to allow a user to search 'within' current Solr search results (not search api solr results).

Is there existing functionality that provides this?

If I need to implement a module to do so, so be it; recommendations for what hooks to implement in that case would also be helpful.


Re. amateurbarista's comment. I'm wondering if there is a way to make a second query against the results of a first. I don't think Facets allow me to do this, is that so?

For example suppose my first search query returns 10 nodes. I'm asking what it would take to allow a second query to search only within those 10 nodes.


Multiple URL aliases for same node

1 month 3 weeks ago

I have the following URL aliases for the same node.

  • /products/single-room/product-listing/wall-mount
  • /products/multi-room/product-listing/wall-mount

I have two details button Single & Multi-rooms; Single Room button has a link to /products/single-room/product-listing/wall-mount and Multi Room button has a link to /products/multi-room/product-listing/wall-mount. When I click on Single Room or Multi Room Button, both will redirect to /products/multi-room/product-listing/wall-mount; when I delete the multi-room alias the single-room button will go to /products/single-room/product-listing/wall-mount which is correct but multi-room will give the 404 not found error.

What I need is to have two aliases for same node: When users click on single, they are redirect to the same node with /products/single-room/product-listing/wall-mount as URL; when users click on multi-room, they get redirected to the same node with /products/multi-room/product-listing/wall-mount as URL.

Please help me out?


Scheduler module not working even after cron run

1 month 3 weeks ago

Installed 'Scheduler module' and try to publish a content on specific time. But it seems like it is not working.

I tried with 'Run cron manually' also, But it doesn't ,While trying with Scheduler light weight cron it is working.

Why is it not working?


Entity reference selection by view

1 month 3 weeks ago

I have two content types, Location and Offer. The Offer type has an entity reference field that points to one or more Locations.

A user of my Merchant role may create Location and Offer nodes. When creating an offer, they need to select from the list of Location nodes that they created.

I created a view with an "Entity Reference Source" display to build the Merchant's list of Locations when creating Offers. I limited the Locations to this Merchant by a relationship between author (of the Location) and currently logged in user.

Now, I need Administrator users to be able to edit Offers. The problem is that the view creates a list of the Administrator's Locations instead of the author Merchant's Locations.

How can I supply a list of entities to the locations entity reference field that is the current user's Locations when an Offer is being created and the author's Locations when an Administrator edits?

Joe Beuckman

Integer user form field with min 11 digits and max 11 digits

1 month 3 weeks ago

I need an integer form field with has a validation of min 11 digits and max 11 digits. In other words; the user has to fill in an 11 digit code.

How do i make this field and validation?


I managed the field by setting a min of 10000000000 and max of 99999999999. But now i get this validation message:

RIZIV number: the value may be no greater than 99999999999.

How do i change this validation/error message to something like:

Fill in your right 11 digits RIZIV number.


how to create a taxonomy Views combining terms from 2 different vocabulary

1 month 3 weeks ago

I have content types tagged from two different vocabularies (destination and category).

i.e. destination (main vocabulary, content must be tagged with of one of them)
- dest1
- dest2
- dest3
- dest4

category (content is tagged with at least 1 but could be more)
- cat1
-- subcat1.1
-- subcat1.2
- cat2
-- subcat2.1
-- subcat2.2

How can I create a view from these 2 different vocabularies?

i.e. dest1(term)/category(voc)/cat1(term)/subcat1.1(term)


Add radio buttons and text field together to theme-settings.php

1 month 3 weeks ago

I want to integrate a CSS switcher into my theme, but without the Color module. So I want a radio button list, (or a select list, or dropdown, doesn't really matter), with a list of different styles, and then I also wanted a 'Custom' option, so that the user could input a hex code instead of picking a style.

I know how to create a radio list, but how can I add a 'custom' text field too? Any ideas?

And then... what would go in page.tpl.php if the user has selected 'custom'?


Drupal Planet

The Drop Times: Sci-Fi to Software: James Shields' Evolution with Drupal

1 month 3 weeks ago
Discover the inspiring journey of James Shields in our latest interview, where he dives deep into his 15-year voyage within the Drupal ecosystem. Uncover how his passion for science fiction conventions led to significant contributions and the shaping of digital communities. Join us as James reflects on the transformative power of collaboration, continuous learning, and his commitment to fostering innovation in open-source development.